JS Execution tracer
Use similar technique as istanbul?
Push a big array or object that will show you when something is executed? Bonus for capturing local vars and snapshot of the point in time when it ran...
... iiiinteresting...
Q: How could we visualize this?
Could be interesting to visualize how a function is parsed? TODO: look at the JS interpreter for that...
And then generate a flamegraph maybe...? https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/diagnostics-flamegraph/
interesting reading: https://antoinevastel.com/javascript/2019/06/10/monitor-js-execution.html https://github.com/antoinevastel/blog-post-monitor-js/blob/master/monitorExecution.js
Could I write some sort of automated spy? Written in wasm? That captured and profiled everything running in the browser at the time?
Code instrumentor
jscodeshift (fb codemods)
https://www.npmjs.com/package/astring (turn AST back to JS)
https://github.com/estools/escodegen JS->AST->JS