What tools are good / best for common use cases?

Watch file folder

  • Chokidar https://github.com/open-cli-tools/chokidar-cli CLI esp for build tooling

Simple static node server


Run multiple npm scripts in parallel

https://www.npmjs.com/package/concurrently npm-run-all? look at this too

Start a server, then run task when ready

https://www.npmjs.com/package/start-server-and-test https://www.npmjs.com/package/wait-on (with concurrently)

How to rewrite your JS (var->const etc)

Astring https://twitter.com/_paulshen/status/1494401474612248576 https://comby.dev/

Image resizing on the CLI (and variants)


Format and stage files on pre-commit hook

https://prettier.io/docs/en/precommit.html lint-staged - helpful for large projects and standards change. So you can easily lint/prettier only the new changes w/o having to apply the new standards to EVERYTHING. If you pull in lint-staged into an existing project may help to periodically run prettier/lint on ALL the code to see where the delta is and get a new baseline.

Find replace project wide with sad (better sed)

rg CI.Event.CONTINGENCY -l | sad '(CONTINGENCY.\w+)' '$1hi' ^ will suffix every instance of CONTINGENCY with hi

Generators / scaffolding

https://github.com/Rich-Harris/degit - RICH HARRIS. Dying to try this one!!!

  • Yeoman (old?)

Write zx scripts?

Python based :(

  • scons? https://github.com/copier-org/copier

Rust based? https://github.com/Keats/kickstart

Compile config files up the tree
