Product ideas & improvements

Q: use tailwind to make some of these faster? Eventually start making a lib for myself for faster building... Eventually could license this to paid courses. Free for free things...

TODO: make a "experiments" section on my GH pages and show it off... (publish under 'projects')?

  • BUILD the sliders and stuff they just added to codemirror6
  • inline execution and partial eval
  • "explain this code to me" (this should include some simple controls to drag/modify some key parts and you can see the immediate feedback roles) With wide margin that explains the code.

Features I want

  • Mark across files like vim has
  • JS codehints should be up to date (like ?.)
  • my context-aware diff...
  • find debugger statements that aren't commented out...

Also prevents you from breaking it a certain way.

Bonus: highlight certain parts a certain color for margin explanation.

Can we explain the code visually?

  • "explain this error to me"

  • scope visualizer (find all the vars on the AST) then try to call those in every fn and get the value. Then map to line on the source so we can highlight that... look at WITH again?

  • guided code intro. Can we map time to space? With notches for keyframes in the process?

  • Q: how does this perform in X country...?

    • RUM similar to boomerang
    • easy custom metrics capture & charting
    • Figure out WHAT perf metrics are meaningful to a good experience in the IDE...
  • interactive IDE Where you define a function (not changeable). But you can modify the insides on the left. And on the right you can provide Inputs and other controls and see the current scope. Use debugger to pause…

  • Generate diagrams from the ASTs... INTERESTING

    • generate diagrams from the code execution...
    • could we have some sort of AI pass that analyzes and points out differences it thinks matter?
    • could we start with some of the code->diagram DSLs?

CMS interface / blogging interface

  • Could I get th 80-90% draft online FAST. By writing locally. Committing it, then it's live. Or in draft form at least? Then for visuals, CSS, interactivity can I layer on the interface? Like a 10min draft that just goes live when I save it.
  • have an interactive blogging interface on replit.
  • Press a button and it's live via the github pipeline (commits then builds)
  • Could we do the same with a Vercel backend?

Interactive, visual "course builder"

  • Could I make a "course builder" on replit?

  • assemble elements, stitch them together

  • then it generates the code like a visual code generator? super simple webflow?

  • would be cool if this generated components properly. And the output was runnable and we could see it run...? In an interactive way via replit?

Product ideas

  • Replit AMAZING blog tooling / framework for snippet sharing and snippet education...?
  • How can we make THIS much better experience? Using replit blog tools?

This could really help push replit out to all the places (free marketing?)