
Managing brew best practices

A key practice is to install EVERYTHING possible using brew, brew cask, or mas. Even things like fonts!



Brew Bundle

There are 2 places/ways you can use brewfiles:

  1. In a project folder to manage project deps
  2. In a global folder. Need to export $HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_FILE env var from your shell rc to do that ie: export HOMEBREW_BUNDLE_FILE=~/.config/brewfile -- if if that's where you keep your brewfile

First time you run brew bundle it automagically installs it

Writing to bundle file first time (or updating if out of sync) brew bundle dump --file ~/.config/brewfile/Brewfile --describe

brew bundle dump --file ~/.dotfiles/Brewfile --describe -- I symlink mine to this location, so I want to install mine here

brew bundle install - install all the items from brew-bundle

brew install [package] (won't update brewfile)

brew add [package] (will update brewfile)


  • consider using brew aliases if I use the wrong command that doesn't update the brewfile


Adding alias for brew add which updates the brewfile after installing

brew alias dump='bundle dump --force --all --describe '

brew alias add=gibberish brew alias add --edit

Then add this

brew install $*
brew dump

Now we can use brew add package name

Credit: https://leebyron.com/til/brewfile/