What external monitor is good for retina macbook so fonts don't look blurry?

https://twitter.com/marcedwards/status/1509852414723051524?s=20&t=9prypmLVLcqx_qSbR7pxeA https://bjango.com/articles/macexternaldisplays2/

TIL: You need a 4k monitor at least for it to look good with retina and not feel like the text is blurry.

4k has 3840x2160 pixels, ppi is pixels per inch. So would need to know how many inches wide your screen is (a 55″ tv is 55″ from top corner to bottom corner, not 55″ wide).

3840 / inches width = ppi https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-PPI-of-4k

https://www.omnicalculator.com/other/pixels-per-inch https://www.sven.de/dpi/

Software fixes

This app fixes that?!?!?! https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/macbook-air-m2-with-27-1440p-monitor-blurry-text.2381858/