Should I use <script> or <head> tags in Next.js 13+ app router?

tl;dr Don't add your own <head> and <script> tags in Next.js app router RSCs. Use <Script> instead.


In basic terms, Next.js does a lot of magic with the <head> tag and <script> tags. You're far better off using the metadata api instead of adding your own <head> in layout.tsx.

Use <Script> nextjs component and use the strategy attribute to control when & where the script is loaded (can do inline too). It won't give as much finegrained control over where exactly the script goes but it gets pretty close.

When I used <script> tags they seemed to run fine, but I'd see hydration errors like Extra attributes from the server: nonce.

Open questions:

  • ?: Can you control the load order of specific scripts more finely when using <Script> tags in next.js?

More reading