Data structures

Array (A list)

Good for retrieval of exact index. Less ideal for insertion (because you have to move the rest of the array). If you need frequent insertion, use a linked list instead.

Linked list (A list)

Good for insertion. Slower for retrieval. A series of objects that store the ref to the next object (similar to my CRDT use case). When you add a new item, you just have to update the prior object in the chain.


a structure amounting to a set of objects in which some pairs of the objects are in some sense “related”. A map or a social network is also a good example of a graph

What problems does a graph solve?

Optimization: We can use the graph data structure in conjunction with an optimization algorithm for determining an optimal path, such as GPS

Network topology: We can use the graph data structure when modeling network topology, such as the internet or your friends on Facebook!

Tree vs graph

Yes, a tree data structure is a series of nodes in relationship to one another, but graphs differ from trees in that trees always follow the same structure. The relationships between nodes are predetermined: a root with two children. We don’t know what the structure of our graph will look like in advance, so when we implement a graph class, tracking the relationship between vertices is more important than the vertices themselves.

Binary Tree

Each node has at most 2 children.